Emotional lexicons in Fidel Castro's Speeches


The Collocates Graph above (done with Voyant) represents emotional keywords and political terms that occur in close proximity as a force directed network graph. The keywords (in green) are shown linked to collocates (in maroon).

The graphs below show the count of emotional lexicons per speech. If you place the cursor over "None" (bottom left corner of first graph), something like this Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 11.47.46 AMwill appear. Then you can zoom in to explore emotions by month or anything else you select. Once you are done using the pan and zoom button, go back to the original graph using the home button. The first graph might take several seconds to load.

In the following graphs you can hover the cursor over any data point and see the event, place and/or date of each speech.

Technical note: As utf-8 is not supported by mpld3, which I am using to create tooltips, I had to clean accents and "ñ"s in order for the program to work. Something similar happens with the legend in mpld3.

Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 12.27.47 PM




The graphs below show the count of each emotional lexicon per year aggregated across speeches.